3 Mental Health Tips for a Positive Mindset
A positive mindset is a healthy one.
It may come as common knowledge, but there are ways that you can keep negative thoughts at bay and help you keep focused on the path of a healthy mindset.
During difficult times, it may be worth re-visiting ways where you can optimize your outlook on how to put your mental health first.
Feeling stressed lately? Here are a few ways you can achieve a positive mind — even when the going gets tough.
Limit Your Social Media Intake
If you’re constantly glued to your mobile device or computer — take a damn break! Sorry to burst your bubble, but social media is not always going to be your friend. Believe me when I say that it’s worth it to take a break from it all sometimes. When I was a social media manager, I did not have the luxury to unplug and that resulted in burnout. Remember, you cannot pour from an empty cup, and sometimes, taking that break will revitalize and uncloud your thoughts for a clearer mind.
Check-In with Your Friends
Even though sometimes we cannot physically be with our friends or family, don’t throw all communication out the window! One thing I like to do is check in with friends on a regular basis, and be as present as I can be — even virtually. As humans, we need to feel connected to people, and with the help of technology, it’s almost effortless. We all need to do our part and still put in the effort to check in with others. By having those connections and showing up for people in our lives you’ll start to feel better in return.
Write — or Type — Your Thoughts Each Day
Think of it as a daily meditation. Write down any anxieties you may have and cross them out. Write out any thoughts that may make excellent positive reinforcements for you, or any manifestations you want to see flourish in your life and place them somewhere easily accessible for you to see so you can reflect back on them. The beauty of this practice is that you can do this at any time of the day, whether that may be first thing in the morning, or late at night. Regardless of if you start or end your day with this mindful practice, putting thoughts or to-dos into words will help calm any fears, or help clarify tasks so you can be more productive moving forward in the day ahead.
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